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Tarlton Polk, PLLC

North Carolina Criminal Defense Attorney

Tarlton Polk, PLLC

Tarlton Polk, PLLC

North Carolina Criminal Defense Attorney

Tarlton | Polk PLLC has the talent, experience, and resolve to protect its clients’ best interests in either federal or state court at every stage of the case.

Raymond Tarlton and Brad Polk both started practicing law as assistant Wake County prosecutors, where they quickly learned how to try cases. Raymond was also an Assistant Federal Defender in the Eastern District of North Carolina where he defended clients in difficult federal criminal cases, appeals, and related constitutional civil rights litigation.

Brad worked with a prominent attorney in private practice and defended numerous clients charged with serious crimes before starting his own practice. They are invaluable assets to have on your side whether you are facing an investigation, federal grand jury subpoena, formal criminal charges, indictment, trial by jury, sentencing, post-conviction claims such as federal 2241, 2254 & 2255 habeas corpus relief motions, or the daunting appellate process in either a state or federal case.

Tarlton | Polk, PLLC

150 Fayetteville St.,

Raleigh, NC 27601

(919) 948-6464