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Can Receding Gums Be Reversed?

Can Receding Gums Be Reversed?

Can Receding Gums Be Reversed?

How To Reverse Receding Gums Naturally?


Avoid the daily suffering of sensitive teeth

Sensitive teeth can make you suffer all day. Drink a cool drink: it's painful! Inspire fresh air: your teeth react right away. Eat a tasty candy or even brush your teeth? The acute pain that manifests itself is really not pleasant. Fortunately, there are good treatments for tooth sensitivity. Some practical tips and good products will protect you from optimal tooth sensitivity.

But what is tooth sensitivity?

Dental sensitivity occurs when the dental root is exposed. This is the case when your gum withdraws, for example as a result of a brushing too vigorous or poorly done or because of dental erosion (your enamel is eroded because of food or acidic beverages, squeaks teeth or poorly performed brushing).

When your gum recedes, the dentinal canals are exposed. And that's the problem, since they house the dental nerves. These react immediately and violently to external stimuli such as acid, sugar, cold or heat. The dental sensitivity is manifested in case of increase or decrease of pressure. And you feel it!

How To Reverse Receding Gums?  

Some causes of recession of the gums:

Inflammation of the Gums

Brushing poorly done / too vigorous

Abrasive toothpaste

Position of the teeth

Some causes of dental erosion:

Bad brushing

Acid diet


Consequence: the gum withdraws or the enamel erodes? The dentinal canals are exposed? Outside stimuli?

An unpleasant impression

Anyone who suffers from tooth sensitivity recognises it immediately: sharp, sharp pain in the tooth as it comes in contact with heat, cold, acid or sweetness. You even hurt when brushing your teeth. What an unpleasant and boring situation ... Today Read More About Receding Gums Reverse

Especially that you must continue to take care of your teeth to avoid cavities and other problems. So, how? And how to decrease the sensitivity of your teeth?

Gum Line Recession Reversal  

Inflamed gums can lead to serious problems.

Your gum is red and swollen? It bleeds when you eat or brush your teeth? You most likely have inflammation of the gums. It is important to remedy it as soon as possible. Indeed, gingival inflammation can worsen and cause other problems.

If you don't clean your teeth properly, dental plaque remains. When not removed, it hardens and forms tartar. The plaque and tartar nestle between the teeth, but also in the narrow space between the tooth and the gum, the "pocket". When plaque and tartar fill the pockets, the gums become inflamed. This is called "gingivitis".

How is gingivitis recognized?

- The gum is painful and irritated

- The gum is red rather than pink

- The gum is removed and bleeds quickly in case of contact

- The gum is swollen

Gum inflammation can also cause bad taste or bad breath.

Can I Reverse Receding Gums?  

The problem of pockets

In the case of healthy gums, the pocket reaches a maximum depth of 3 mm. In case of gingivitis, the gum swells and the pockets can enlarge. This is how the problem gets worse: dental plaque has even more room to infiltrate when the pockets are deep. These small spaces between the teeth are difficult to clean. But still, something must be done: if you do nothing, gingivitis can turn into periodontitis.

The risk of gingival inflammation (s) is even greater in the following cases:

- Inadequate oral hygiene

- Smoking

- Systemic diseases, such as uncontrolled diabetes mellitus

- Hormonal changes (pregnancy/menopause)

- Immune weakness

- Stress

- pharmaceuticals

In addition, genetic predisposition plays an important role in the occurrence of periodontitis.

Receding Gums Reverse  

What can you still do?

There are some actions to take to combat tooth erosion or recession of the gums. Here are some tips to help you:


- Brush your teeth only with Desensin Repair. If you change your toothpaste, the effectiveness of Desensin is diminished

- Rinse your mouth with as little water as possible after brushing. Just spit or possibly gargle with a Desensin Plus mouthwash

- In addition to Natural Toothpaste, use mouthwash and gel for optimal effectiveness against tooth sensitivity

- Before going to sleep, apply a small amount of natural gel as an adjuvant on the sensitive areas with the fingertip or with a very soft toothbrush

- Use a soft toothbrush with round bristles, like the Vitis Gums Healthy toothbrush

- Get rid of bad habits (wooden toothpicks, nail-biting, smoking a pipe, smoking)

- Avoid as much as possible to drink/eat drinks / acidic foods

- Consult your dentist or dental hygienist for dental sensitivity. He can advise you and help you solve the problem.