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Receding Gums Home Remedies

Receding Gums Home Remedies

Receding Gums Home Remedies

Natural Cure Periodontal Disease

According to a recent study on Dental Erosion, 3 in 10 US people do not know the risk of wear of tooth enamel. However, the phenomenon is affecting more and more young people, major consumers of soft drinks or sodas.

A new study carried out for GlaxoSmithKline shows that dental erosion is a phenomenon that is not yet sufficiently known (30% of US people do not know what it is) while it affects more and more young people under 35 years.

Tooth erosion is caused by chemical attacks of certain acidic foods that act on the surface of the teeth. Young people who frequently consume acidic foods: fruits and juices, energy drinks, tonics and sodas are particularly at risk. Not to mention that some eating disorders more common in adolescence (bulimia or anorexia) can also be responsible for dental erosion. For More Info Visit Natural Cure Periodontal Disease

If you do not want to suffer from dental erosion banish sodas and sweet fruit juice from your diet. And if you can not do without it, drink them with a straw, so the drink will be less directly in contact with your teeth.

Receding Gums Home Remedies

Ideally, you should even drink a glass of water right after finishing your can of soda or fruit juice! And especially never brush your teeth in the hour that follows because the enamel, already weakened by the acidity of fruit or soda, may deteriorate even more.

Other foods that your teeth do not like

To avoid tooth decay and Maintain Healthy Teeth, we know that candies and sweets must be avoided. But some foods are also enemies for your teeth. And if your dentist dared, he would surely advise you against eating it!

Bacteria in the mouth turn all sugars into acid. Now, as soon as your saliva becomes acidic, it dissolves the calcium present in the tooth enamel: this is called demineralization. In the long run, you end up losing a sufficient number of structuring elements in your teeth to make it happen ... a cavity!

That's why sweets are not the only sugars to ban from your diet. But if you cannot stop yourself from cracking for a cupcake at tea time, then drink a big glass of water. This will minimize the risk. 

Periodontal Disease Natural Cure

A caries is an infection that touches a tooth. A dark spot appears that turns into a hole following acid attacks of bacteria. Untreated tooth can become painful. In the beginning, caries attacks the enamel of the tooth, then the dentine and finally the pulp where the nerves and blood vessels are located. When the caries has reached the pulp, there is a risk of infection or abscess. It's painful. This is called a toothache.

Caries are favored by high consumption of sugars and poor dental hygiene which increases the formation of dental plaque. In plaque, bacteria concentrate and make acids that attack tooth enamel.

Against cavities: eat cheese and yogurt

Sweets, snacks, and chips ... these foods attack the teeth and promote cavities. On the other hand, the teeth need yogurts. To protect your teeth, eat cheese and yogurt. The more you eat yogurts, the fewer cavities you have!

In addition, yogurt is full of promise against the bacteria responsible for gum disease. Different probiotics present in yoghurts or fermented milk (lactobacilli, bifidobacteria ...) have been successfully tested in the laboratory against several strains of bacteria responsible for periodontitis (affected by tooth support tissue). Probiotics inhibit the action of pathogenic bacteria, without compromising the effectiveness of protective