Dr. Terry Simpson

Teaches his patients how to cook and eat

Dr. Terry Simpson

Dr. Terry Simpson

Teaches his patients how to cook and eat

About Dr. Terry Simpson 

Terry Simpson is the opposite of how many people see doctors by being an open book. Terry does not hide his personal life from the public, knowing that with weight loss being his specialty, he needs to live the life that he encourages his patients to do so.


Terry Simpson began his post education career like any other, accepting a job, putting his head down, gaining experience and absorbing more knowledge. Soon enough Terry realized that there is another way to lose fat, by eating healthier. Sure getting weight loss surgery is instant gratification but the long term result is not great with so many unhealthy foods on the market.


There was one problem however, Terry was not a great cook and did not want to share his cooking skills with others. Not too let himself get down, he donned an apron and began to learn to cook. Before he knew it, he could cook meals that were affordable, quick, delicious and most importantly, healthy.


The next step was to get his patients to buy into the idea. He did this buy helping them personally outside of the weight loss clinic. He personally assists patients by creating shopping lists for them, taking them to the store showing which variety from the shopping list to get and then finally goes into their home to demonstrate how to cook simple meals.


Before long, he was in demand, so much so that he clearly could not satisfy it all. Terry Simpson got creative. He made TV appearances, spoke at conferences and demonstrated at events. All of these enabled him to be seen by more people.  


Visiting specialist doctors can be intimidating. Terry Simpson realized that and when he realized that they can eat their way to weight loss, he did not sit behind a doctors table and say it, he made sure he learnt exactly how they could do so and showed people first hand.



Here are some of the highlights of Dr. Terry Simpson's surgical career:

  • Dr. Simpson is best known for his longstanding commitment to improving the delivery of health care, particularly for Native Americans.
  • Simpson is a skilled bariatric (weight loss) surgeon with many years of experience.
  • Terry Simpson M.D. is currently focused on teaching his patients how to cook and eat fresh foods.
  • Dr. Simpson has been acknowledged for his significant contributions to improvements to health care delivery and his service to Native Alaskan and Native American organizations.
  • What are you passionate about?


Dr. Terry Simpson has been a practicing surgeon since 1991. He helps people change their body images and their eating habits for the long term.

Skills & Expertise:

Dr. Terry Simpson employs modern surgical techniques including minimally invasive weight loss surgical procedures.

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