Josh Bertrand

Josh Bertrand

Josh Bertrand


His fitness journey was began by Josh Bertrand when he woke up 1 day and realized just how out of shape and out of breath he had been.

And that sparked what has since become his quest in life … to gain access to the best fitness and wellness info available.

When the best”, rejecting phony shortcuts, more and more fashions and shortterm tricks, in his quest for along-enduring, lean body thus, he searched the internet , nearly frantically searching out the “best.

And was the result.

What Josh quickly exercised, was that the method wasn’t all all just about “pumping iron” and “personal bests”. He discovered that unless of course the body’s own internal systems were respected, recognized, and crucially, reinforced, then as he'd like all the workouts that he actually did, were never going to be as efficient.

And consequently, he sought out companies who'd previously trodden the road that he was taking place. And almost inevitably truly, Bio Trust was called by that journey led to the company. Created by another Josh Josh Bezoni, paradoxically, and his partner Joel Merion, Eventually Josh had identified an organization that lived by the exacting standards that he had been searching.

Hence why, Josh today encourages Bio Trust products with complete assurance and conviction. Because, as you could expect, Josh has made himself the “guinea pig” for their goods, with excellent success, and therefore he knows from first hand experience, not simply that they function, but that they're the very best that he's encounter.

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